Investment Strategy

Since its inception, Al-Deera has adopted a balanced expansion strategy that allowed for mitigating risk, while maximizing return on investment. By maintain a diversified portfolio – both in terms the geographical and sectorial distribution on investments.

Concerning future plans, Al Deera Holding Company continues to focus on divesting certain investments while pursing overall debt reduction while striving to generate worthwhile return on investments.

Public Companies

International Financial Advisors Co. (IFA)
Ticker: IFA

IFA is A Kuwaiti Public Shareholding Company established in 1974 , listed in Kuwait Stock Exchange since 1987 and is also listed in Dubai Stock Market since 2005. IFA Covers a wide range of activities including : Asset Management, Brokerage, Corporate Finance, Advisory services, Trading in local and international securities as well as the development of hotels and resorts carried by their subsidiary IFA Hotels and Resorts Company.

Arzan Financial Group for Financing and Investment Co. (ARZAN)
Ticker: ARZAN

Arzan Financial Group is Kuwaiti Public Shareholding Company established in 1980, listed in Kuwait Stock Exchange since 1996. Arzan provides Consumer and installment Loans to individual borrowers and term finance to small and medium sized enterprise(SME); Provides services for the Purchase/Sale of securities in both the local and international markets; Provides investment advisory and wealth management services; provides portfolio management “Discretionary, non-iscretionary and custody” services; Establishment and management of collective investment schemes (funds); Investments in real estate sectors, industrial and other financial and investment instrument; Engages in Venture Capital activities and invest in startups; Provides debt and receivables collection services.